Home page of Roman Geiko
I am a PostDoc at the Physics & Astronomy department at UCLA supervised by Ryan Thorngren. Before that, I was a graduate student at Rutgers advised by Greg Moore. I am a mathematical physicist interested in topological condensed matter physics, quantum information, and high-energy theory.
Here is my CV and Google Scholar
List of Publications:
Homotopy Classification of loops of Clifford unitaries, R. Geiko and Y. Hu (2024), Communications in Mathematical Physics, PDF, Recording of a talk CMSA
When does three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory admits a time-reversal symmetry?, R. Geiko and G. W. Moore (2022), Annales Henri Poincare, hep-th/2209.04519
Dyson's classification and real division superalgebras, R. Geiko and G. W. Moore, JHEP 299 (2021), hep-th/2010.01675
c-Recursion for multi-point conformal blocks. NS sector, V. Belavin and R. Geiko, JHEP 112 (2019), hep-th/1806.09563
Geodesic description of heavy-light Virasoro blocks, V. Belavin and R. Geiko, JHEP 8 (2018), hep-th/1705.10950
Various semiclassical limits of torus conformal blocks, K. Alkalaev, R. Geiko, V. Rappoport, JHEP 4 (2017), hep-th/1612.05891
Parametrized topological phases in 1d and T-duality, R. Geiko, math-ph/2412.209095
Upcoming projects:
A categorical Triality: Matrix Product Factors, Positive Maps, and von Neumann Bimodules with T. Mainiero and G. W. Moore (draft available upon request)